This ability of the sorcerer will wipe any one song of your choosing from the pages of history, as if it never existed! Gone from our reality. They were going to do it anyway, but they’re making you choose.

Which song would you pick?

(If you really can’t narrow it down to one, then try narrowing to three)

~picture credit goes to zenart07 , DeviantArt~

      • Krzd
        46 months ago

        At least they’re remixes with some fucking variation

        • @[email protected]
          46 months ago

          I want the retail stores to play something with more gusto, like I Believe in Father Christmas (by Greg Lake, sounds a bit different than the name suggests)

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      Nah, there are a lot of retail songs waaayyyy more annoying than that one that would just take its place. At least that one has some talent involved lmao.