every time we go out to eat, I take like two bites and feel like throwing up, and I’m not one to get nauseous easily. this only started when we started dating (wed been best friends for 3 years or so up until that)

its not new food, I’ve been to these places many times before

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      Maybe you’re spending money you shouldn’t. Also, maybe youre spending your heart when you shouldn’t.

      My first thought is that there’s something about those first couple of bites that triggers the anxiety. Could be subconscious (well, it is subconscious currently if you’re unaware of a cause).

      Are there any particular thoughts that occur when the meal arrives? Even thoughts that occur only briefly to be replaced by others?

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        This was my first thought. Being pretty poor most of my life, I’ve had that “oh-shit” gut-punch when going out to eat a lot of times. Money problems suck.