Folks with vaginas, I’m conducting some family comparative analysis and I’d like to know how many standard pieces of toilet paper do you use when wiping after a pee. I posted some comments with options to upvote if you like.

    166 months ago

    It really depends. Both on how much I peed, and also how decent the TP is. Basically however many it takes not to saturate the TP, and not get urine/blood/mucus on my hands. Could be three, could be a ton.

    I’ll use a TON more during my period, as even with a cup in, blood finds it’s way onto my skin and then the flow of the urine helps spread it to every nook and cranny.

    Another thing to take into account is discharge. That definitely takes extra TP, it’s thicker and a few squares won’t hold up.

    TL;DR whoever gives a consistent amount of squares is either lying or has a much nicer vagina than I do

        5 months ago

        The hose can be sneaky though. See, you think you are finished, you relax a bit more drops out… Now you are really done, you wipe the last little bit. Good to go.

        But fuck you, no, sometimes there is a bit half way up that didn’t come out, you get to the door and now the last bit let’s go. Now you are uncomfortable and a little embarrassed.

        Does it happen every time, no, but it is an ever present option…