Can be from any kind of media.

For me it’s Margot from The Magicians (which is interesting because in the books she is anything but) and Jesse Faden from Control.

  • @[email protected]
    775 months ago

    Adding my vote for Ellen Ripley.

    Alien is a movie where nobody listens to the smart woman, and then they all die except for the smart woman and her cat. Four stars

    There are others that come to mind from more obscure movies I’ve watched more recently, like the women in Grandma (2015), Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020), and even Men (2022), also non-fictional women like those in Kokomo City (2023). There are so many more I can picture in my mind but can’t put my finger on the movie and or am just shit with names so I can’t think of them right now, but might come back to update.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Literally the first name that popped into my head when I saw the question. There are plenty of other good choices, but she has to be near the top of any list.

      Incidentally… am I having federation issues? This is the only comment I see mentioning Ripley. I see 11 comments currently…

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        Incidentally… am I having federation issues? This is the only comment I see mentioning Ripley. I see 11 comments currently…

        I see 36 comments, mine and 3 others mention Ripley, so yeah, probably a federation issue.