Always love when self agrandized authorities act like idiots. Feels like the box wine wins wine competition article.

I have a friend that does photo competitions. They say winning is more about knowing the judges than anything else.

  • tables
    102 years ago

    I don’t understand the frustration. With all of the recent examples of people winning photo contests only to reveal later that their “photos” were made by AI, it’s only natural that judges grow paranoid of these things.

    As for your friend’s comment on photo competitions, that sounds like someone who’s butt hurt for not winning. I enter some photo contests ocasionally and I have yet to see one in which the winner hadn’t produced some pretty decent work.

    • flatbieldOP
      12 years ago

      Oh my friend wins lot of the time and does great work. They have also seen judges choose crap work too. So they know what to submit and not submit when certain judges are judging. It is a real thing.