I just want to make funny Pictures.

  • @[email protected]
    165 months ago

    Why not sell it? Pet Rocks were sold.

    Why not claim it’s yours? You wrote the prompt. See Pet Rocks above.

    Because, unlike pet rocks, AI generated art is often based on the work of real people without attribution or permission, let alone compensation.

    Not use it and instead hire a professional? That argument died with photography. Don’t take a photo, hire a painter!

    So what if AI art is low quality. Not every product needs to be art.

    Do you know what solidarity is? Any clue at all?

    Seems like the concept is completely alien to you, so here you go:

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Do you know what solidarity is?

      Do you know what a luddite is?

      The simplest argument, supported by many painters and a section of the public, was that since photography was a mechanical device that involved physical and chemical procedures instead of human hand and spirit, it shouldn’t be considered an art form;

      https://en.m.wikiversity.org/wiki/History_of_Photography_as_Fine_Art#:~:text=The simplest argument%2C supported by,in common with fabrics produced

      That a particular AI could have used copywrited work is a completely different argument than what was first stated.

      • @[email protected]
        05 months ago

        Do you know what a false equivalence is? If not, just reread your own comment for a fucking perfect example.

        I’m not wasting any more time and effort trying to explain the blindingly obvious to your willfully obtuse ass. Have the day you deserve.

    • Pennomi
      -45 months ago

      Copyright and intellectual property is a lie cooked up by capitalists to edge indie creators out of the market.

      True solidarity is making AI tools and freely sharing them with the world. Not all AIs are locked down by corporations.

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        Those capitalists support AI because it would allow them to further cut out all creators from the market. If you want solidarity, support artists against the AI being used to replace them.

        • Pennomi
          15 months ago

          Please explain to me how open source AI allows a corporation to cut creators out of the market.

      • @[email protected]
        165 months ago

        Yeah, nothing is more bougie than independent artists, most of whom are struggling to make ends meet even WITH a day job… 🙄

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          Boo-fucking-hoo they have a “day” job? Wow so do I! It’s called having a job and being working class. Newsflash - you don’t get paid for hobbies, be they drawing or lounging on a couch.

            • @[email protected]
              05 months ago

              art can be a profession, however the demand for art is way lower than the supply of artists leading to most of the artists being “underpaid” and not earning a livable wage.

          • erin (she/her)
            5 months ago

            Yikes. A world without artists would be a dark, dark place. What an incredibly terrible take, unless you’re implying that the only art that counts as labor is when it’s for a corporation, in which case, even worse take, yikes again.

            • @[email protected]
              5 months ago

              A world without commercial artists would not be too different to me, because art is something everyone should do for themselves and their community.

              All it’s led to is commercialisation and enshittification, turning everyone into drooling consumers who don’t even have the willpower to stop scrolling the most mind-numbing of content feeds ever devised.

              I don’t want artists to starve, even the most shallow, talentless fail-upwards hack deserves a living wage and the material safety that a society defined by it’s excess could easily provide.

              But the reason you don’t like people even just aimlessly messing around with AI art is because it demonstrates that you could do something with your life if you gave a shit, and how many have decided to at least try, now that it doesn’t take time they don’t have to put their ideas into some form, crappy as it may be, instead of only consooming treats and glorifying others in an endless cycle of celebrity worship, while it all just goes over your head.

              It’s as shallow a reason as there can be, and I don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks, I’m an anarchist, I will stand by that anything that erodes the power of corporations and their awful, soulless world, especially of such an absurd notion as intellectual property claimed on the infrastructure of the commons - as this does - is the right thing to do.

              And spiritually, emotionally, in my heart of hearts - of-fucking-course actual working class people in their dreary cities hours and hours on end in traffic or the subway getting home to hungry children and being able to partake in art is a fucking good thing, not just us (me, idk about you) post-modern aristocrats chatting on Lemmy at 1AM.

      • @[email protected]
        115 months ago

        Says the person supporting capitalist corporations pushing AI as a replacement for real human artwork?

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          When have I ever defended corporations, capitalism, or replacing human artwork?

          You motherfuckers are as delusional as the great replacement people.

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            Frankly I don’t know who the fuck you support, you just seem like an asshole for the sake of making people not like you

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        I agree, except you’re the one showing solidarity with the bourgeoisie.
        AI is a too of the bourgeoisie to suppress the working class

        • @[email protected]
          -15 months ago

          No, it is a tool of the commons to subvert the intellectual property regime of the petit bourgeoisie artists.

          • @[email protected]
            45 months ago

            Do you think people are like, born with the ability to make art? Are they some kind of upper class? You can just go learn to draw you know, you don’t need to use AI

          • @[email protected]
            25 months ago

            It’s a tool created and controlled by the bourgeoisie, primarily designed to and markered for replacing skilled labor.

            The fact you think displaced artists are petite bourgeoisie instead of skilled labor is telling.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        Ah yes, how dare artists make $5 an hour instead of $0 while you pay a corporation a subscription fee instead. That’ll show those lazy artists that they’ve had it too good for too long.