Original art by System32Comics


  • @[email protected]
    65 months ago

    The better office chairs have 10+ year warranties, if you spread out the cost of buying a cheap chair (£150) every 2 years Vs a £1000 one that lasts 10 years its not such a huge difference in price whilst the benefits to your back are worth much more.

    I know not everyone can afford this, but it’s worth checking for interest free credit from either the manufacturer, store, or even PayPal / klarna (which is what I did).

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        I read a few months ago about a US senator who was new to the position, formerly lived in less than ideal circumstances, made the news for becoming a senator while not being born into wealth. Anyway, they were surprised at the options they had for medical insurance, and how affordable they were, and how much they covered, and in general how much better these options were. Before becoming a senator, the same medical coverage would have cost an order of magnitude or two more.

        Anyway, fuck the rich, then eat them.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        I WFH, so my chair gets a lot of use - it’s one of the tools I use.

        If I was an electrician, or I commuted to work I know I’d be paying for tools, fuel, repairs, train tickets etc

        I don’t know what your circumstances are, but I find a cheap chair falls apart pretty quick.