Talk about how it came up and how its improved your life/health for having done so

  • @[email protected]
    325 months ago

    Removed almost all advertising from my life. About the only stuff i see now is just bill boards.

    • @[email protected]
      125 months ago

      I despise advertising. I won’t sit through ads telling me I’m missing out, or my life would be much better if only I had x. How much of our lives is spent listening to someone try to convince us that we need some product? And somehow they’ve convinced us that wasting our time with their bullshit is ‘normal’. Being marketed to constantly is not normal.

      • @[email protected]
        65 months ago

        As someone with ADHD I swear we should get a fucking disability exemption from ADs - that shit can completely derail my train of thought and noticeably reduces my ability to enjoy whatever it’s embedded in.

        Looking back at cable? It was like an instant depression cycle where ADs kept me from ever actually getting into a show and deriving enjoyment. Instead, in my youth, I’d just veg and lose hours unfulfilled.