Announcement by the creator:

Unfortunately I don’t have good news on the state of the android app: I am retiring it. The last release on Github and F-Droid will happen with the December 2024 Syncthing version.

Reason is a combination of Google making Play publishing something between hard and impossible and no active maintenance. The app saw no significant development for a long time and without Play releases I do no longer see enough benefit and/or have enough motivation to keep up the ongoing maintenance an app requires even without doing much, if any, changes.

Thanks a lot to everyone who ever contributed to this app!

  • @[email protected]
    585 months ago

    Does anyone know why it was forked and the fork got all the improvements while the official app is in the exact same state of when it was launched years ago?

    It was because all the proposals got rejected?

    Because if he rejected all the improvements I don’t really understand why he’s saying “nobody wants to help development”

    • @[email protected]
      275 months ago

      It’s all in the open, you can go dig around for reasons. As usual there wasn’t a single simple one. Neither was it some kind of complete fallout, we e.g. collaborated on translations and I have been in contact around various things with the one that forked.