I nuked my Reddit accounts today. Deleted all comments and posts, then the accounts themselves. The tool I used showed each comment as it was deleted, and it was bittersweet.

I watched old gaming and movie discussions I barely remember appear and then get flagged as deleted. Communities I once participated in and then moved on as the years past flashed by. I remembered how I felt back then, and then watched them scroll on into oblivion.

Now I feel…I guess it’s grief. Sadness for that part that’s gone. Sadness that it’ll never be there again. Like footprints on a beach wiped away by the tide. It’s like it never happened. There is no trace.

And I feel anger. Mad that it came to this. Mad that I let a corporation have so much of my time and thoughts. Mad that they made it clear my life was nothing but a product to them.

It’s over now. Time for a new chapter.

Anyone else have strong feelings about losing a part of the past like this?

  • Papamousse
    2 years ago

    13 years here, I nuked all the comments with Redact, but today I checked my comments on reddit and I still have a few dozens, so I renuked them. I will see tomorrow if some comments reappear?

    I think I’ll keep my account, but logoff from everywhere

    EDIT: I think all the comments behind private sub cannot be deleted, this is why this morning the tool found new ones

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Gonna do the same. Nuke all my comments and keep the account. Just change the password to something unintelligible.

    • admiralteal
      2 years ago

      You need subs to not be private to see/delete comments on them. So I’d recommend waiting for those are are going to come back to come back, then re-shred the posts. If that is your goal.

      If you use Redact.dev, you can automate/schedule this process.