By old-timey names, I mean ones that you don’t typically associate with anyone alive or younger than like 70.

Examples being:

  • Burl
  • Mildred
  • Herbert
  • Agnes
  • Evelyn (not as rare at the others, but getting there)

I’ve always liked the name “Opal” but I’ve only ever known two in my life. I was like 10-12 at the time, and they were both pushing 90.

  • Admiral PatrickOP
    105 months ago

    My boss does that, and for that reason. I do like it. Unfortunately, he cannot help me get cash now from my structured settlement.

    • palordrolap
      25 months ago

      Funny. I had a boss who thought that use of initials was pretentious. Or maybe I’m putting words in his mouth and it was specifically my use of a middle initial he didn’t like. Harry S Truman’s name would presumably have given him a headache.

      Either way, I countered that having a customised number plate on a car was surely just as bad, to which he had no answer.