• @[email protected]
    145 months ago

    Jackson’s Lord of the Rings. All three are the absolute pinnacle of every craft represented in them. (i.e.: camera work, costumes, casting, CG, practical effects, soundtrack, and all the rest.)

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      I thought it was a huge disappointment, most of all due to the CG.

      • Everything looks hueless, often with only a few colors, with weird light angles and enemies often shown as a blur. As if it was made to put everyone on the same level as those who are colorblind and visiually impaired.
      • Soundtrack was a dissonance of what went on on screen.
      • The towns and villages were beautifully animated and showed wide shots of them, so one could be sure that they were missing any signs of food production or water sources.
      • The world did not just look dry in color, but also literally dry. Especially the shire which gives it a plastic feel to it.

      All of those put together made me feel it was taking place on a pre-dinosaur earth or not yet fully terraformed planet Mars, rather than a place of fantasy and wonder.

      And Saruman’s death was absent in the theatrical cut. One of the most important parts of the story was simply cut out.