$60, has capacitive joysticks, gyro, steam menu buttons, and 4 extra buttons. Fully supported in Steam Input.
However, no track pads or vibration.
$60, has capacitive joysticks, gyro, steam menu buttons, and 4 extra buttons. Fully supported in Steam Input.
However, no track pads or vibration.
I’ve never seen a steam profile with back paddles before. What game has it?
I was talking about the custom profiles with Steam Input layout created by the community. Not sure if any game has this by default made by the game developers. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/steam_controller/browse_configs (the link talks about the Steam Controller, but the concept is the same on Steam Deck)
I know this thread is dead but no man’s sky has custom actions for the back paddles. I have my terrain manipulator size changer on the two back paddles
I think it depends on what control steam is detecting. Steam has gotten better recently with controller schemes, but you can’t add backpedals to an xbox controller layout still. For example. (At least from what ive seen)
I think it’s a game by game thing because my deck lets me bind the back paddles to actions (rather than button presses) like an in game binding menu would but others don’t have that
Your deck is not an xbox controller. It has back pedals built in.
Ah sorry I misunderstood I thought we were talking exclusively about the deck and its control MB