• @Zacpod@lemmy.world
    35 months ago

    Not judging the entire country. I’m judging the military and the government.

    That’s one example of thousands. Good guys don’t blow up schools, or hospitals. Good guys don’t assassinate journalists. Good guys don’t punish an entire region for the acts of a terrorist.

    Like I said, both sides suck. I wish my tax dollars weren’t paying for the IDFs atrocities.

    • @DarthJon@lemmy.world
      -45 months ago

      But you’re okay with your tax dollars funding Hamas terror tunnels and luxury homes while civilians live in poverty and suffer the brunt of the war.

      Good people can do bad things. I know that’s a hard nuance to grasp.

      • @Zacpod@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Nice strawman.
        This isn’t a one side OR the other is shitty. This is both sides suck. I don’t want my tax dollars going to fund either.

        I’d be OK if my tax dollars went to rebuilding some of the schools and hospitals the IDF bombed, and for providing food to starving civilians, tho.

        Frankly, the way Isreal is behaving, it’s like they /want/ some nutter with a nuke to glaze over Juruselem. Imho, sadly, it’s just a matter of time.

          • @Zacpod@lemmy.world
            14 months ago

            Nah, I don’t want that. But sure seems like Isreal does. Isreal is breeding terrorists/freedom fighters faster than the IDF can kill women and children. Stealing land doesn’t seem to help either… better try killing more civilians!

            • @DarthJon@lemmy.world
              -14 months ago

              Do you have a suggestion for how Israel can deal with the genocidal threats on its borders without killing civilians? Or does that require you to think a bit more deeply than the slogans you pick up on TikTok?

              • @Zacpod@lemmy.world
                14 months ago

                Another strawman. I’m waaaay too old for TikTok. My opinions are arrived at by reading the news on CBC, BBC, and occasionally Reuters.

                Isreal could have ended their border threat decades ago by NOT KILLING CIVILIANS.

                Every time they murder a little schoolgirl they turn that whole family in to terrorists. It’s not rocket science. But Isreal is too far blinded by hatred and desire to expand that they can’t see the blinding obvious facts.

                • @DarthJon@lemmy.world
                  -14 months ago

                  CBC, BBC…it figures. Both are very left-wing organizations with a strong anti-Israel bias.

                  Isreal could have ended their border threat decades ago by NOT KILLING CIVILIANS.>

                  You mean like when they withdrew from Gaza and handed it over to the Palestinians in 2005? How did that work out? Or maybe you’re referring to 1973, when Arab nations invaded on the holiest day in the Jewish religion and almost succeeding in destroying Israel? Or perhaps you’re referring to 1948…oh no wait, that’s when Arab countries invaded Israel immediately after it declared independence. I’m noticing a pattern here, aren’t you?

                  • @Zacpod@lemmy.world
                    14 months ago

                    Like I said. Both sides suck. I could go down that same path and list all the atrocities the IDF and settlers have done. Because both sides suck ass. BUT there are a LOT more dead Palestinian kids than Israeli. I don’t want my tax dollars going to support those violent bastards.

                    If you think the CBC and BBC are “very left wing” then you might be a biiiiit far to the right to be considered sane.

                    They’re both slightly left (i.e. center-center-left) and importantly, highly factual.
                    E.g. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/cbc-news-canadian-broadcasting/

                • @DarthJon@lemmy.world
                  -24 months ago

                  Oh by the way, it’s kind of racist to suggest that Palestinians only know how to respond to violence by becoming terrorists.