• Cyborganism
      65 months ago

      We stopped shopping at Provigo when the Loblaws boycott started. We’ve been shopping at our local food market where there’s food mongers of all kinds. The fruits and vegetables are about the same price, but bigger and better quality. We get out meat at the butcher, cheese at the cheese counter, fish at the fish monger, anyway you get the idea. Even dry goods like rice, flour, chocolate chips, cereal, nuts coffee and even soap we get at a bulk shop.

      We only go to Metro to buy canned goods, cleaning products and some dairy.

      We don’t particularly save that much but man the food is so much better.

      We went to Provigo recently because we just didn’t have time to do it groceries and had to do one stop for everything. I never thought the quality of the fruits and vegetables were so bad. Holy shit. Everything was almost rotten in the shelves. And the meat portions have reduced so much! I wanted to buy a pound of ground beef and all the packages were one third of a pound less!!! I had to buy two and they cost as much as a regular pound! Unbelievable.