My SO is interested in learning Python because she hopes it becomes useful in her work. She works with ArcGIS and/or QGIS and apparently it supports Python scripting so she’s thinking about giving it a go.

She has no programming background so I was hoping you friends could suggest something for absolute beginners that would teach her both the Python and programming basics. It doesn’t have to be very comprehensive, just something to get her started.

She has managed to get some scripts working through copy/pasting and minor adjustments but she lacks the foundations to really build a script of her own.

Thanks a lot!!

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    She’s off to a great start! Most non-programmers starting off with python that I’ve seen are confused by the soaring and indexing rules, so can never get copy-pasted code to work

    My older son always rebelled against programming, mostly because i thought he’d be great at it, but finally had to pick up some for a college class, I don’t know, stats or something. He became the programmer genius getting half the class to succeed, just because I drilled him on spacing and indenting