Only use jellyfin. Have a list of things want to update… but it works for now.

Yes that is a laptop usb cooler used as supplemental placebo cooling. Also a pc fan I have propped up against the hard drive feeding into the pi.

Can’t recall last time used the ps4 or switch. But they’re there

  • @[email protected]
    354 months ago

    Ok, now this is just showing off. Patch cables all the exact required length and everything all nice and neat. I bet you check your backups regularly and do a monthly DR fail over test too.

    …Kidding aside, your setup looks really good.

    • @[email protected]
      104 months ago

      Haha I need more Patch cables to get rid of those long ones. Also when I opened up the cabinet for this Pic I noticed the left fan isn’t dusty like the rest so it might be dead x_x