Only use jellyfin. Have a list of things want to update… but it works for now.

Yes that is a laptop usb cooler used as supplemental placebo cooling. Also a pc fan I have propped up against the hard drive feeding into the pi.

Can’t recall last time used the ps4 or switch. But they’re there

  • @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    Oooo I should do something like this! Right now I have a Pi 4 with OMV and just OMV on it. It’s even running on a SSD. It could do so much more!

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      OMV has such a nice Docker management interface too. I really feel spoiled with it.

      I was planning on all my services running in ProxMox or something, but my OMV VM handles all of them except PiHole basically lol. OMV is snazzy. :D

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        I have a second pi for Pi-Hole! I’ve tried using OMV’s Docker, but I am too dumb to get it configured D: Would you happen to have any resources for getting it up and running?

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          Hey sorry for the delayed reply! That’s a VERY good question, since things got a little different since they moved away from Portainer I remember a bit of friction switching over, but geeze it was a while ago…

          I did find this link though:

          That might be similar (and possibly better organized!) than the guides I was working with when that OMV subsystem was still a bit new. I hope that might help! 🙂