Sorry for mental health kind of question, but I do not know better place to ask about this stuff.

Nowadays, I lie down on a bed and just watch twitch streams all day, with a little bit of browsing lemmy in between. I do not want to do anything, pretty much any activity seems to cause exhaustion. So, I just do bare minimum and return to bed, watching twitch for over 5 hours.

Another is that I feel I cannot do anything good enough. I cannot study effectively, cannot do menial tasks without being stressed. This is especially concerning for me because I am taking a graduate program, but I also doubt I could do any kind of real work. I just don’t think I have capability to read complicated texts and remember it clearly, write a decent piece of literature on some subject, or just about anything at all.

Is this related to addiction - can addiction make me feel exhausted all the time? Also, how can I escape this permanent lethargy? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

  • @[email protected]
    94 months ago

    Well, as you can see, everyone is saying it’s not addiction. It’s depression. So I’ll be the odd one out. I’ll say it’s not depression. I think it’s chainsaw.

    …I’m just making the silliest of jokes to try to cheer you up. But seriously though. You should get some actual professional help. And I don’t mean that insultingly. I mean that as they are the ones who know far more than I would. They can get you on the path to healing!

    Otherwise you end up on the internet, with some random asshole making silly jokes because it’s all he knows how to do when someone is hurting. Remember when I said it was chainsaw?