The app automatically installs Bing Visual Search and includes code to decrypt cookies saved in other browsers, Rivera said, and it also brings a “free” geolocation web API to the system.

The developer discovered “many” nasty tricks Microsoft integrated in Bing Wallpapers, which include trying to change the browser’s settings and set Edge as the default system browser. If the default browser isn’t Edge, the app will open the default browser after some time asking to enable the previously installed Microsoft Bing Search for Chrome extension.

  • @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    As a millennial myself, I have immense respect for “tech boomers”. They walked so that we could run during the 90s tech boom.

    I have seen young people not knowing any other directory other than Downloads and not understanding that there is a filesystem inside their phone.

    The file is not in my downloads

    Me: Have you checked other directories?

    Other directories?

    Me: Okay, open your file manager.

    What’s a file manager?

    Me: Okay, do you have Google Files (an application which I detest but I know is pre-installed in Android phone)

    Umm…have to check.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      Those are the lazy people. Lazy people refuse to learn new things. You don’t sound lazy.

      Don’t be like them. Hang out with those people that piss excellence.