Mine‘s getting so accustomed to cold showers that I a) absolutely do not mind cold water for swimming etc. anymore and b) could not enjoy warm or hot showers anymore. They just weren’t nice at all.

    • Caveman
      64 months ago

      Running is beneficial for knees and ankles over medium to long timeframes. There’s a 100 year old guy that runs 10k every day and his knees and ankles are doing fine.

    • Sailor Moon
      44 months ago

      Hahaha, I used to run; I had the same question! I can’t run anymore because knee pain :(

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      Not too bad. But to be honest, I started mixing trail running into my schedule. It’s fun, better for your joints (even though I’ve never had problems), and as a runner gets older, longer distances become more appealing. I’m beginning to consider some easier ultras, and they are usually on trails.

      • captnanonymous
        24 months ago

        I was a fairly regular runner up until about year ago, and I’ve not had too many knee or ankle issues either. Trail running sounds fun. Might give it a go (once it’s not fucking freezing here).