As for me:
Due to Christmas rapidly approaching my place earns increasing amounts of money.
It would be so easy to just snag a whole day of store income and forever vanish into another country.

  • ChihuahuaOfDoom
    323 months ago

    Honestly? The forever nap; I already tried once this year and shit hasn’t been looking up since then.

    • @[email protected]
      523 months ago

      23 years ago I met a guy at work that was really cool. We became friends of a sort, in the way that a shy introvert considers friends. Every once in a while he’d invite me to hang out with his friends, which was always a good time. I’m not sure if he considered me a friend. I always felt like an outsider in those groups. But he was kind to me, and I love him. Eventually we both moved away from that area. I’m not good at keeping in touch, especially over long distances. For instance, my brother lives a couple of states away, I love him to death, and we talk maybe once a year.

      So I’d call my friend every once in a while, and we’d catch up.

      Eighteen years ago I lost my friend to depression. The details aren’t important. How he did it. Who found him. The 3 am phone call. But it was 18 years ago. It still hurts. You think you’ll always have someone, that they’re just a phone call away. That you’ll get to hear their weird take on that thing we’d always argue about. That you’ll get to hear his latest poem…

      And you’ll always wonder if you could’ve done something to help them stay.

      People don’t realize that they bring light to the world. That they’ll be missed. That there will be a hole in the world where they were. That they are loved more deeply and profoundly than they can know. The memory of them is a poor substitute for their presence.

      Don’t go too soon. You will be missed.

      • @[email protected]
        73 months ago

        Is it fair to latch the world onto people thinking like this? To chain them to suffering for years and years because any random person they interact with might be sad later?

        It sucks that you feel pain from losing a friend, but does that pain outweigh the pain they were trying to escape from?

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        Those who seem to have it so together often don’t. Hope you don’t blame yourself in any way and that you’re managing it the best you can.