• Theo
    93 months ago

    They need to add “teleportation” portals in vanilla. I don’t like nether hubs and I have to enable cheats to use command blocks. I want achievements AND the ability to craft two blocks/portals that serve as a way to jump to each other without the need to add command etc. just place one at your base, explore, and place one where you set up something else like a mine or other build. Then activate. It would make it more fun IMO. And possibilities are endless for its applications.

    • NziomOP
      53 months ago

      There is technically a “vanilla” way to do it with end gateways unfortunately it’s very limited since it works in the end only , if it were to work in the over world it would be so good, I like this idea to have it in survival sounds like a Worthy end game treasure.

      • Theo
        53 months ago

        Yea I ended up having to give up achievements in my worlds so I could use command blocks for this. I made a base 10K block or so and I wanted to connect them. Nether hubs have flaws where you can end up in the wrong portal sometimes. So much easier with a pressure plate and command block. Then switch back to survival but I couldn’t get anymore achievements. Making a dedicated teleport block that either links to another or you can just input coordinates without it being a cheat is essential. Like some OG games Zelda, Mario, Crash etc have ways you can jump within the game universe when you have completed an area, no cheats needed. It should seem that there would be a special item that is added in an update that can make a portal or type of “table” to give this function. Also they need to fix maps on console. I want to mark my location and others like java with banners, no mods.

        • NziomOP
          3 months ago

          agreed it’s unfortunate that suggestions like these don’t get much traction on the feedback website,i haven’t tinkered in minecraft nbt data for years i might get back to it. to see if there is a vanilla way to do it on the overworld