Title pretty much says it.

Can I at least fantasize about Democrats frantically creating procedural bulwarks and safeguards between now and inauguration day that will have some effect and not be immediately swept away by the incoming administration?

To what degree can they have any impact on the next four years, and do we think they are pulling all the levers they can?

  • @[email protected]
    104 months ago

    There are some things they can do like agreements/contracts going several years into the future, but the problem is anything they can do that on its face locks in the next admin, can be undone by the courts…which they now control at the highest level by a 6-3 majority, which at best remains only a 6-3 majority for the next 4 years and probably much much longer than that. Thomas will retire in this admin and they’ll get a new young ultra conservative in his place.

    They’re gonna fuck everything up. They promised to.

    They have a razor thin margin in Congress though, so anything requiring purse strings (money) our best hope is that they’re just really dysfunctional (which we know they are) and fight too much about how much to hurt other people to get much done.

    But yeah, it’s looking dark.