• @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Coke deal while at a has-been band concert. I was just minding my own biz while going for beer, lock eyes with two dudes, and then I notice one of em has a white brick in his hand, giving it to the other guy.

    Turned away and went for the beers. Nothing major happened.

    Other responses reminded me of two others: 1. I was walking from my college building to the gas station for smokes and a cup of coffee, and I noticed there was a lady dozing on the sidewalk. Bought my stuff and was walking back, when I see the lady squatting over where she was sleeping, laying a log.

    1. Walking through the nicest part of the downtown area, can’t remember why. It was sunny, humid, and very warm (30-35C). Underneath an overhang, I walked past a dude jacking off while sniffing glue.