Hopefully some of these flat earthers were CEOs? I mean to say “thoughts and prayers”.

But maybe we need a new cutsey saying “at least one CEO amongst them” or something.

  • @[email protected]
    183 months ago

    People underestimate how quickly Carbon Monoxide can overtake you and how little air there actually is indoors. I was helping someone with their car once time. It was winter and we were starting it to see if something was working. He kept starting it with the garage door closed and seemed annoyed when I would open the door to vent the exhaust. I’d rather be slightly cold than dead. Those people that use keorose or diesel heaters on their garages in the winter just sketches me out. I’m ready to ditch natural gas from my home altogether because I just don’t like the idea of it.

    • @[email protected]
      63 months ago

      I went camping once with my dad and a few of his buddies when it was frigid cold outside. We piled 5 adult bodies into a camper, and they also left a Coleman gas lantern lit inside the camper all night for warmth.

      I couldn’t sleep for two reasons:

      1. One of my dad’s buddies had horrible snoring, and

      2. I could feel myself choking on the stale air. I ventured outside every so often and would hold the camper door open for a few minutes (or until I would get yelled at). I don’t remember 100% but I think I had a persistent headache that night.

      I’m still convinced we could have all died.