• @[email protected]
    263 months ago

    Fascinating that he’s right behind him. Perfect photo op. Isn’t he accused of crimes right now? Or just his close associates?

    • Queen HawlSera
      183 months ago

      He’s accused of various crimes and no one really likes him on the Left or Right.

      The Right hates him because he basically he helped forward a program meant to help Undocumented Immigrants, only it came at the expense of New Yorkers and to such an extent that when I looked into it I had to make sure I wasn’t reading Fox News because it was so insanely gratuitous that if I started describing it, it’d sound like Sean Hannity got into the meth again.

      The Left hates him because in order to safe face for that PR Disaster, he immediately sucked up to Trump and announced that he was switching parties in a speech about how the Left is “So woke and useless” and he “Just wants to be on the winning team”, using various buzzwords in a context that kinda suggests he doesn’t know what they mean.

      And because he’s the second worst mayor New York City has ever had (the first being Rudy Giulanni of course), no one is really buying his political shift. Don’t get me wrong, no one thinks he’s a Leftist or even a Neo Liberal at heart, it’s just kinda obvious that this man has no spine and will go hard on whatever he thinks will make him look good at the time.

      Only he’s so bad at picking “What will make me look good right now?”, that I’m pretty sure his advisor is Michael Scott from The Office.

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        I can’t imagine having so few beliefs as to change sides between the two parties in a two party system in order to be on rhe winning team.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        I mean, that’s a whole lot of words to say he’s a cop and all cops are bastards.

        I laugh my ass off that during Black Lives Matter protests liberals voted for a fucking cop for vice president and a fucking cop for mayor of NYC. What the actual fuck you dumb fucking liberals. Learn something other than identity politics. I swear to god people just vote for people because they’re a minority, even if they’re absolutely fucking terrible.

        • Queen HawlSera
          23 months ago

          I didn’t vote for Kamela to be Vice President, I voted for Trump to stop ignoring Covid.

          But I get your point. I wasn’t exactly thrilled to learn she was the VP for Biden in 2020, I legitimately thought he was throwing the election when he did that…

          Maybe he was, just not the 2020 election…

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          You’re acting like the only other option wasn’t Trump again. Most people didn’t vote for Biden/Harris because they actually wanted Biden or Harris, but because we’re trapped in a 2 party system in a country where half the population doesn’t even vote.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            Yeah, no. Fuck the democrats and the dumbass liberals who support them. Y’all get what y’all deserve. A fascist government. Biden admin had four years to prosecute trump for J6 and they slow walked the case. Democrats have had numerous opportunities to show a backbone and get shit done and time and time again they refuse to do anything except blame republicans and play identity politics. That’s all they have to offer.

            Oh, this is lemmy world, sorry for hurting libs feelings. Jk, not sorry. Y’all shat on the left for years now you’re getting what you deserve.

            Democrats refuse to hold people accountable and then are shocked pikachu face that they lose elections when they don’t even bother creating a platform besides we’re not trump. cope and seethe libs!

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              When did I say I was a Democrat? Both parties are too far right for me personally. I’m saying you can’t blame the average voter for our 2 party system we’re stuck in. The majority of Americans aren’t happy but how exactly can it be fixed when more than half of them can’t even be bothered to even think of politics? Decades of indifference allowed this, not the people who actually regularly make it to the polls even while pissed with their options.

              • @[email protected]
                03 months ago

                And does anybody do anything about it? No. They cry on social media and then forget about it. It’s time to depose our rulers. They make peaceful reform impossible so violence will be the answer.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            I assume the jury will be selected from Manhattan as that’s where the event occurred. Anybody know if they pull from all boroughs or not?

            If I lived in New York I’d be printing stacks of paper to post everywhere. Black and white. Something like… Luigi Fired in Self Defense and in the Defense of Others. Put this photo on it. Below that a few simply worded facts about the insurance industry killing people for profit. Then a QR code link to something explaining jury nullification in simple terms and why you can’t speak about it during jury selection.

            And how you can’t post about being selected for the jury or really tell anyone at all.