My wife says every family has this drawer. I do not believe every family has this drawer. Do you have this drawer? Do you know a good solution to this drawer?

We have a silverware drawer, organized, maxed out. A sharps drawer, organized, maxed out. Ziplocs, organized, maxed out. Bbq tools and oven mitts, organized, maxed out. But all this shit has no particular category so fuck me right. I gotta have an awkward necessary crap drawer. Maybe I should post all my drawers and crowdsource me some sense into my kitchen.

  • @[email protected]
    13 months ago

    Sure, it’s a factoid. Maybe it’s 20 minutes. But we all know it’s very low. Seven minutes is an overestimate for my drill.

    have one at home that doesn’t get used much because if I want to get handy I don’t want to drive to work to get one.

    Yes, and it’s a problem. The possibility of borrowing one from your neighbor is passed over entirely and the alternative is to drive to get another one already in your possession.

    All of this is completely unsustainable behavior at the scale of the planet. I suppose you’ll get in a huff and take this personally but I really am talking about all of us. As I said, I have a drill myself and bought it for exactly the reasons you cited. I just think we could all do better.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      But the transaction cost of borrowing my neighbors is much higher. I have to talk to him for 20 minutes, he has to find it, it’s not charged, it’s a piece of crap and the Chuck doesn’t work. An hour process for a 10 second job to hang the shelf.

      I think a drill is a terrible tool to use as an example since it’s used for many purposes and almost any household chore. A better tool would be a Sawzall, it’s built for a niche tasks and can be essential for that one cut. I will absolutely have a chat with the neighbor to avoid trying to make a cut with a hand held hacksaw blade trying to cut a stud in half. I use it so infrequently I absolutely don’t need my own.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        But an awful lot of households do have electric drills and apparently the average one gets less use than yours. Mine certainly does. Whatever the exact number of minutes-per-lifetime, you’re gonna have difficulty persuading me that every single household of all the 8 billion people on earth needs its own electric drill and that there’s not a better way of organizing things.

        And that’s my whole point: America’s hyper-consumerist comfort-oriented lifestyle, where everyone has a closet overflowing with semi-useless junk, where talking to one’s neighbor is a waste of precious time, is just not a realistic goal for a sustainable civilization. Nor even particularly desirable, I’d say. Again: please don’t take this personally, I’m criticizing a whole system and I too have an electric drill (though not a Sawzall, whatever that is).

        • Pup Biru
          3 months ago

          a drill is the most useful power tool that people tend to own… most of the time you could get away with just a screw driver and a self tapping screw, but we don’t because a power drill is a convenience object

          i think we all tend to agree that we should be less wasteful, but a power drill is a shit example of that, and will only push people to write off the idea

          rather than “we should all borrow a power drill rather than owning”, it should be something more like “yknow that 1 time you needed a nail gun? wouldn’t it be nice if you could just borrow it” (for me that item was a circular saw, and i use it maybe once every 5 years - i’d love to put it into a tool library or similar if i could borrow other things from time to time)

          • @[email protected]
            23 months ago

            Word up. A drill being a poor consumer choice is right up there with plastic straws being the worst environmental offense. How about sharing a lawn mower or weed whacker? Let alone a car.

            You shouldn’t be lamenting the lack of skilled trades and also be arguing for less tools. I’m all for borrowing and lending, but we all need a basic tool kit.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          Every household has a stove. Isn’t a communal oven where we all bring our dough a more environmentally ethical choice? My neighborhood has a laundromat but I have a washer and dryer. Is that selfish? Personally I’d love a communal heating system, I hate dealing with my furnace.

          I take no offense to the conversation, but I think putting a stigma on drill ownership is quite low on the Social Irresponsibility Index.

          • @[email protected]
            33 months ago

            This is partly a US-vs-rest-of-world cultural misunderstanding. Here in Europe housing units are much smaller than in the USA, people live on top of each other and many of the things you mention are already shared. And it’s not actually a problem for everyone. In Sweden, for example, even middle-class people live in apartment buildings with collective heating.

            I guess you’ll say that, at heart, deep down, Europeans really want to be Americans and live in suburban castles and drive and share nothing, and maybe you are even right. But whether we want it or not, that is not a sustainable solution for humanity. An electric drill being used for 5-20 minutes in its lifetime is, I continue to believe, a very decent microcosm of the whole problem.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              You think I say a lot of things.

              I agree, we own many things that we should borrow. I disagree that electric drills are the worst offenders. I wish my small town had a lending library. I would gladly use it. But I would still keep a drill at home, even though I have 3 at work.