Considering to buy one for a family member.

  • @[email protected]
    153 months ago

    While it may not stop the nicotine addiction. It beats the tar and crap actual cigarettes…

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      Agreed. Although I struggle with vaping nicotine WAY too much and I feel like it has caused me some issues.

      Still, way better than real cigs as far as my lungs are concerned - but the ease of being able to vape and constantly get a nicotine fix has been the real issue for me. Currently reading Alan Carr’s the Easy Way to get this monkey off my back once and for all.

          • @[email protected]
            63 months ago

            The biggest risk we see (outside the risks that are the same as those from cigarettes but less severe) is circulatory health risks (vessel function). Sure, you have increased risk of respiratory disease, but not nearly as bad as cigarettes. The real benefit is that most vaporizers and eliquids are not carcinogenic (directly cancer causing) the way cigarette smoking is, so you can lose the added chance of getting cancer while titrating nicotine dosage down to nothing over a longer period; one of the main failure points of nicotine gums and patches is that they aren’t effective methods for pack-a-day smokers, the usual suggested regimens have them in withdrawal headaches and brain fog quickly and many smokers quit quitting on week one or two.

            We have dozens of ten year studies with HUGE N already. Read them. Check out the REPRIEVE trial data. If you seriously think every single one of the currently available studies and trial results are not “legit science data” you’re insane.