I was wondering about this as it was brought up recently.

  • dream_weasel
    173 months ago

    You just defined the reason for asking the question without in any way answering it…

    • Theo
      13 months ago

      It’s cleaned with different chemicals

      • dream_weasel
        123 months ago

        How are they different? It’s halal brand soap and that’s the difference?

        “How is halal stuff done differently?”

        “Oh, you have to do it differently.” / “it’s cleaned with different chemicals."

        … Neat. You can tell it’s different by how it is… I guess.

        • Theo
          73 months ago

          These chemicals are different than that of non-halal chemicals

          “Diatomaceous Earth (DE): Widely used as a halal-compliant cleaning agent, DE is effective in physically scrubbing and purifying surfaces. It is mixed in specific ratios with water depending on the type of utensils, equipment or area being cleaned. Natural Detergents: Plant-based detergents free from animal derivatives and alcohol are recommended for halal sanitation. These detergents should have verified halal status to ensure compliance. Non-Ethanol-Based Disinfectants: Disinfectants containing isopropyl alcohol or other permissible alcohols can be used, as they are considered mubah (permissible) in sanitation processes as long as they leave no detectable residue in the finished product.”

          https://halalfoundation.org/halal-sanitation-guidelines-and-checklist/#:~:text=Diatomaceous Earth (DE): Widely,DE to 7 parts water.

          And procedural what OP might have been looking for when something has been contaminated but IDK the full requirements as to whether this part is truly followed since there are Halal restaurants in my part of the US, idk if they do this part:

          “2.4 Sertu (Ritual Cleansing) Sertu is a ritual cleansing process used when major najis such as porcine or dog contaminants has come into contact with a product surface or equipment. This process involves washing the contaminated area seven times, with at least one wash including a mixture of water and earth, to purify the area both physically and spiritually.”