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Original still created by @gedogfx (IG). Title source: “Inkl”

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  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Anyone with a brain know that anti-AI movement started because etsy artists doing porn commissions for a living got replaced, because AI can do a better job on that for free.

    And because those etsy artists are incredibly influential in some circles the anti-AI feeling got blown out of proportions.

    But making wanna-be entrepreneurs the backbone of the workers movement is not moving the working class anywhere.

    The places where I have used the technology works just fine if you know how to use it. For programming it’s incredibly more efficient that going search to stack overflow or github. And to do refractors of your code it can save a lot of time.

    In my spare time I also use AI for image recognition as part of a self-hosted security system. And works far better that any other solution.

    I can actively choose to use the technology or no. I choose to use it because it makes my job easier. Simple as that.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        We got it boys. Let’s ban tractors because they took away the job of millions of farmers. That would make the world a better place to live, I’m sure.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          I think the core issue here is that, so far, AI has only taken away jobs that people want. People want to be artists, writers, and even programmers, and those are the only industries to be disrupted by AI thus far. If AI were to reduce society’s need for manual or emotional labor, I think you would see far less reluctance to accept it. Also, the self-diving car thing, from the outside, just looks to be a matter of public safety. I think most people would agree that cars will be able to safely drive themselves eventually, but the ones currently on the road feel underbaked and rushed along by a greedy cabal of tech industrialists.

          • @[email protected]
            03 months ago

            How many artists jobs do you think that the introduction of photoshop or digital art took? Better, how many artists jobs do you think that photography took. Before anyone wanting to preserve an image of anything had to pay massive money to an artists to paint it. Then some guy invented a machine that making one click can automatically make a image of anything. Advancement of technology be like that.

            Same with coding, there used to be a job that was sewing cables to create computer programs. Create the simplest of the programs was a job for maybe hundreds of people. Introduction of better programming languages, techniques an tech in general has made that a program that used to take hundreds of jobs now could be done by a single person. AI programming tools are just another step in that direction. And not even a massively large one (I think C destroyed far more jobs than AI).

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              You didn’t really respond to the core idea of my comment, which is that AI isn’t doing anything to help us achieve the things that we would actually want it to. And what about the safety concerns around current-gen self-driving vehicles? It’s easy to call everyone primitivists if you refuse to acknowledge their legitimate points.

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                It has helped me with coding. Coding might be fun. But also incredibly tedious and frustrating. And it’s a job people in general don’t want to do in most cases. Hobby coding is not the same as having to code for a corporation. If AI helps taking away hours from those jobs it’s a society success.

                Other field where it could be relevant is phone operators. One of the most universally hated jobs. I had to work as a phone operator for a few years and everyday I wish my job could be done by an AI. And I think it actually could be the case. What I did could be 100% done by an AI. Just to spare workers the suffering of having to deal with angry people on the phone AI is worth it.

                AFAIK current gen self driving cars are safer than human drivers if we measure medium lethal accidents by traveled distance. I don’t know what are those concerns. They are currently safer and will get safer overtime. Yep quick search finds me recent research that current self driving cars are safer than humans in most situations. Only not being yet safer apparently in low visibility situations, but safer overall. Something 100% fixable. I really do not see the safety complains when studies say that overall they are already safer and less prone to cause human deaths. And there’s no strong argument that I know for not believing that they will keep getting more and more safe overall to the point that human driving would probably be considered unethical. I really cannot see any argument besides “new tech scary here”. Many lethal accidents are caused by bad human behavior (drunk/drug driving, sleep deprived driving, lack of attention, reckless driving) that a machine would never do. A self driving car won’t drink and drive… I really have a very hard time trying to understand anyone against self driven cars. Arguments against it seems… So flimsy… And most of the time I find that the root of the matter is “new technology = scary” a tale as old as time.