I, personally, like to take the opportunity to express aspirations: not just trying to stop doing things I feel are harmful, but also to try new things or practice positive things more. A couple from me:

  • Avoid sarcasm when dealing with people, especially strangers, it does not go over well when they don’t get the joke
  • Do something positive, helpful, and non-criminal to counter the right wing political trend. (granted, this one needs more detail)

How about you?

  • IninewCrow
    73 months ago

    Just to do good to people and stop being so negative to others.

    I’ve given up on trying to figure out other people. I seldom get it right in trying to understand where others are coming from, what they are thinking, what they want, or in figuring out what they are really saying. I’m middle aged now and at this point in my life, I’m not bothering much to figure out what the other person wants … if you can’t make it clear, it’s not my job to figure it out. I’m open to different opinions, ideas, genders, identities, races or ways of living but I get tired trying to understand someone new who can’t make themselves clear.

    So from now on, I just treat everyone with kindness and patience.

    This also doesn’t mean I’m going to roll over and let people abuse me or take advantage of me. I’m not that gullible and I won’t take any right wing rhetoric, hatred or fear mongering.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      Just a hunch with no evidence, but I suspect that this might be a bit circular, and that by giving up and being kinder and more patient, you might get better at understanding people.

      Very good resolution (even if I’m wrong)!

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      Honestly I’m not sure on your age but I get exactly what you’re saying. I’m not sure if it’s a recent thing but I feel like there’s a layer of bs with younger generations and a lot of beating around the bush as opposed to discussing issues and facing problems. Idk, maybe I just have less patience for it. My ranting aside, hope you the best and make sure you’re not holding things against yourself when it is an issue with the other person.