I’ve been on lemmy for over a year now, and I just realized I used to read all those HackerNews articles + their comments, I haven’t done that in probably 6 months because the discussion here has gotten much better. What’s changed for you with Lemmy over the last year?

  • @[email protected]
    293 months ago

    A lot more comments like reddit that are the quick (very tired) zingers. I was happy to get away from that but I’m sort of thinking of putting lemmy down if it gets worse.

    I don’t need your “this.” Or “broken arms” or “that’s insulting to trash” etc.

    It’s beyond tired. But it gets up voted and can dominate the comments section. I appreciate threads like this one that promote actual discussion.

    • Snot Flickerman
      3 months ago

      I feel that, too, but also…

      There’s a large number of news articles that it feels literally pointless to respond to with anything other than jokey derision because it feels like we’ve been talking to people about those issues for two decades (or more for some of us) and no one listened.

      So, with a lot of it… what is there even to talk about anymore and instead crack jokes to try to feel less dead inside?

      I fully agree, but at the same time find myself making jokey throwaway comments on the millionth thread about “turns out Trump was lying about his campaign promises!!!” as if anyone with a fucking brain couldn’t figure that out since at least 2015. It just feels pointless to engage with beyond comedy when the media continues to sanewash that guy.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        I would love to slap down my copy pasta in every poltical post about how First-past-the-post voting artificially limits the number of viable political parties to 2 and is the greatest barrier to effective non violent change in the country. But people don’t want answers, they want to be mad.

        And the mods kept banning me. Even when I ran the copypasta through chat GPT to get a unique comment every time I posted the pasta.

        Why the fuck should my comment change at all when the solution hasn’t changed?

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        Famous story of a son who broke both arms and the mom felt bad he couldn’t masturbate so she started jerking him which led to more…

        It’s very fucked up story. But whenever a similar topic comes up someone has to say “I bet he had broken arms” or something like that.

        Similar one is “shoes came off so he’s definitely dead” whenever some fall or other force throws someone to the ground.

        It was funny at one point… Maybe like 6 years ago. But like jfc there’s no original thought, just echo chamber zingers.

        Oh another one: “I also choose this guy’s dead wife”

    • comfy
      43 months ago

      I completely agree. It’s tiring to ask a question and then have some low-effort absurd answer every time.

      any advice on washing my cat without her scratching me?

      is it two metres long and has orange and black stripes and are you in a jungle? try a tranq dart first

      park it on the driveway and get a hose. oh wait u said ‘cat’ not ‘car’ #oops!!

      ez bro just dress in a SWAT bomb defusal outfit. works every time.

      yeah jeez thanks. It’s worse than no replies.