so this happened to me yesterday, i was hanging out with a few of my relatives and we were doing a lot of stuff and we were having fun but i realized that when my relatives talk to each other they talk like proper adults because well, they are, like, they can swear and stuff, but when i talk to them they are like “yea buddy sure!!” or talk to me like as if i was some sort of young person, and even my friends do that same thing, all of them!!! it feels like i’m not part of anyone’s conversation which sucks but well it’s fine!!!

  • Rhynoplaz
    113 months ago

    My oldest daughter is 21, but she’s still “one of the kids”.

    I know she’s an adult now and will be finishing college next year, and out loving her own life very soon, but she’s still my child. Even though you can go do anything an adult can do, you are still the same “child” that you’re family has known since you were born. It’s going to take time for them to get used to that.

    Legally, turning 18 instantly makes you an adult, but it’s going to take a lot longer than that for other people to realize it.

    Also, early twenty something’s ARE still kids. Very few people that age have actually “grown up”.

    • @[email protected]
      73 months ago

      41 year old here. Can confirm. I remember being 18 in my first apartment. I also remember doing a ton of stupid kid shit. My dad gave us a cucumber on our first night. Despite having no food in the house and a combined $6 between my girlfriend and I, we instead took that cucumber and hit it over my friends back so it broke in 2. Don’t worry, he was part of it. It’s not like I just randomly attacked my friend with vegitables. It was like the christening of a ship. Where they break a bottle of champaigne over the front. And then we all cheered…and then laughed, as my friend was still in deep pain.

      41 now. 18 year old me was a stupid kid.