• @[email protected]
    1403 months ago

    When it originally launched, I feared it would go the same way as Valve’s previous inventions in the VR

    What the hell is she talking about?

    Index still gets regular updates and it still doesn’t really have any competition at its price point (Quest with its ridiculous account requirements doesn’t count).

    Just because Index was not a massive success due to its significantly higher cost doesn’t mean it’s a failure, and it’s far from abandoned.

    • @[email protected]
      253 months ago

      How is the index? I’ve been thinking about getting one but I feel like there’s a new version right around the corner.

      • @[email protected]
        393 months ago

        It’s great, especially the controllers - there’s nothing else like it.
        And, well, it’s the only headset making any claims about Linux compatibility, which is also a big thing for me.

        But your concern is the exact reason I’m not sure I can recommend it.

        Of course, Valve works on Valve Time, so the chances Deckard will release next month are basically the same as it releasing anytime in the next decade.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          I actually spend a lot more time on PSVR2 than Index these days, and when I do switch back to Index, I kinda miss some of the features.

          If money is no object, I think the current best arrangement is probably something like a Bigscreen Beyond with Audio Strap, Index controllers, and the requisite lighthouses. But that’s about $1600 compared to the PSVR2, which was on sale for $350 over the holidays. PSVR2 games are generally more polished, but you also don’t have the bonkers modding scene like PCVR does. You can run PSVR2 on the PC now, but most of the best features stop working. So there really isn’t a perfect solution.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            Bigscreen Beyond

            Yeah, it does look pretty nice, but no Linux support, especially at this price, makes it a no-go for me. :(

            edit: well, shit, apparently it doesn’t do any proprietary bullshit and uses generic protocols, and reportedly works fine on Linux.
            Might have to consider it after all…

            • @[email protected]
              43 months ago

              I’m by no means a huge VR user but I find the PSVR2 rendering based on your focus point to be a really neat feature for that reason.

              Wherever you’re looking gets full resolution. Things in your perifory get downscaled. This helps the headset maintain max FPS at the full Hz.

              Note: I don’t own one, I just think the tech for that is near.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              I’m actually surprised the BB is only 90 Hz. I’m not that much of a stickler for it, but I get it.

      • @[email protected]
        103 months ago

        I love mine, especially that I could custom fit lenses, so I don’t need to wear glasses. Because that will damage the internal lenses over time.

      • Noxy
        23 months ago

        It’s great! Mine is five years old and still working just fine.

        I have needed to replace the cable (was getting weird green static), but that was really easy to do myself and Valve directly sells replacements.

        Also my right speaker is a bit loose so I have to adjust it occasionally during gameplay.

        Otherwise it’s been solid. Easy recommendation.

    • @[email protected]
      193 months ago

      They barely did Steam Link (the little physical streaming box from like 2015) and ended production quickly and the remaining units were heavily discounted, and they still send updates for it.

      It’s one of many reasons I like Steam and have moved more towards Steam gaming and away from Playstation.

      • @[email protected]
        103 months ago

        Steam link moved beyond its hardware quickly.

        The link hardware is no longer required.

        AppleTV, nvidia shield, chromecast ultra, he’ll even LG webos all have apps for streaming stream games.

        They discontinued the hardware because it’s no longer needed.

        In fact, when I switched to my appleTV for steam, it became even better quality and less dropped frames. It also seems to be lower latency.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          It’s absolutely needed. I don’t have any other practical way to stream from my PC to my TV. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy a new dedicated Steam Link box for any streaming above 1080p.

          The app only works so well and only on specific devices, and I just don’t have any simple plug and play answers that’ll work for me.

          There’s absolutely a use case and market for Valve to bring it back. I still use mine a lot.

    • @[email protected]
      63 months ago

      I think she means it will be unpopular, unknown, or not relevant. I am a gamer with a Steam Deck and I had no idea what the Index was or that it even existed until just now when you mentioned it here.