• Hemingways_Shotgun
    23 months ago

    Actually it’ll be like every other election. Even without the decay of media and foreign influence, we live in a country that elects one party. They stay in power long enough to get complacent and stupid, so we replace them with another and do it all over again.

    Trudeau, 10 years. Harper, 10 years, Chretien, 10 years. (Okay…Paul Martin was only three years, but he was appointed first), Brian Mulroney, 9 years (We pretend Kim Campbell never happened)

    Whether right of left, we give every party in power so much leeway that they stay in power forever before we finally can’t ignore their bullshit…and then we over-correct in the other direction and do it to the other side of the aisle.

    Literally since 1984 it’s essentially been Left-Right alternative every decade or so.

    The current conservative rise is neither surprising nor new if you’ve been awake for the last 40 years. It’s as Canadian as Maple Syrup.