Just about everyone looks better when they smile. It’s true regardless of gender. I don’t see where sexism enters the equation.

I feel pretty oblivious. What am I missing?

  • hendrik
    3 months ago

    I mean we have countless Reddit stories where someone’s dog or grandma died that day, and while groceries shopping someone tells them “hey, a beautiful girl like you should smile”.

    That’s just an a**hole move. You don’t know anything about that person. Maybe they’re not smiling for a reason. I’d say it is very likely that this might be the case… Otherwise they’d probably already smile… And people keep forcing themselves on other people and telling them what to do. Like smile. When it’s really none of their business and very intrusive.

    Leave them be. Everyone is entitled to feel. Sometimes people are happy and sometimes they’re not. It’s not however their job to smile for you.

    And if it’s a medical condition or they were born with what people call a “resting bitch face”… You’re just rubbing it in and be the 500th person who did a negative comment on their looks.