I’ve not been here long, but I’m curious how users who were present before the reddit drama feel about any potential changes to the content and tone of discussions.

  • Rom
    152 years ago

    I’m not the other user, but the phrase “gender mythology ideological nonsense” is some Nazi-level transphobic shit. Cute of you to pretend like we all forgot about that line after just a few comments, though.

    • @[email protected]
      -122 years ago

      I never said I hate trans people. They are perfectly normal humans, and should allowed to live freely

      But whether you like it or not, most of the gender ideology is utter nonsense/pseudoscience/mythology. It’s just made up bullcrap

      I still don’t understand how all this relates to nazis. It’s like you use it as a swear word and have forgotten the underlying meaning

      • Rom
        2 years ago

        “I don’t hate trans people, I just believe Nazi-adjacent shit about “gender mythology ideological nonsense””

        Whether you like it or not, calling something “utter nonsense/pseudoscience/mythology” and “made up bullcrap” doesn’t make it so. Just admit you don’t understand it. Not understanding something is perfectly fine, everyone has something they don’t understand. But if you’re going to insult the entire concept of gender identity because you can’t wrap your fragile little ego around it, be prepared to get called names because you are literally indistinguishable from transphobes.

        Also the Nazis threw trans people in concentration camps for being trans, so yes, the comparison to Nazis is apt.

        • @[email protected]
          -62 years ago

          Putting it in a classic Richard Dawkins fashion… Come on, you are a man of the 21st century, you don’t need me to tell you that Diamoric changing into a Pomosexual overnight because he also happened to also be gender fluid, is a myth

          Just because I despise the Christian ideology / Bible, doesn’t mean I despise Christians. Similarly, for most of the gender ideology and trans people

          I never harmed or “threw trans people in concentration camps”. By your own logic I’m not a nazi

          • Rom
            2 years ago

            Diamoric changing into a Pomosexual overnight because he also happened to also be gender fluid, is a myth

            What the fuck are you even talking about? Look, gender is a sociological construct distinct from sex, and people existing as a gender that doesn’t perfectly align with their biological sex has an anthropological basis going back millennia. I looked those words up, and they’re just…words people use to describe sexual orientations that don’t fit neatly onto the gender spectrum? Seriously, that’s what you’re upset over? Never mind the fact that those are extremely esoteric words that the vast majority of trans people are never going to use. What makes you think the mere existence of these words somehow invalidates all trans people?

            Just because I despise the Christian ideology / Bible, doesn’t mean I despise Christians. Similarly, for most of the gender ideology and trans people

            Trans people isn’t a religion, nor is it an “ideology” like you and other reactionaries keep trying to claim. Your constant attempt to compare it to religion or other ideologies makes it clear you’re trying to make the idea of transness as something that can be invalidated so you can pretend you hate the trans and not the person but no one is buying it.

            Also you claim to despise Christianity but this is literally the exact same shit Christians use against gay people. “Hate the sin, not the sinner” bullshit and all that. Word for word the exact same shit.

            I never harmed or “threw trans people in concentration camps”. By your own logic I’m not a nazi

            Nazis hated trans people, which was the point that you’re pretending to ignore. And as much as you want to claim you don’t hate trans people, it’s pretty obvious you’re desperately trying to make excuses to do exactly that.

            Fuck off, Nazi.