It’s probably accurate. Imagine cubicles and desks smoldering in a filthy, smokey heap, copy machines smashed through the windows, sparking electrical conduit dangling from the ceiling. It’s likely madness.
Yeah, the only outcome I can see from this is everyone is given a choice to stay and shut up or leave if they disagree with the new direction. Most will chose, the people who stay behind to cause trouble will be removed shortly after and then business will return to normal.
“Total Chaos” feels a bit overblown…
It’s probably accurate. Imagine cubicles and desks smoldering in a filthy, smokey heap, copy machines smashed through the windows, sparking electrical conduit dangling from the ceiling. It’s likely madness.
Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria!
Yeah, the only outcome I can see from this is everyone is given a choice to stay and shut up or leave if they disagree with the new direction. Most will chose, the people who stay behind to cause trouble will be removed shortly after and then business will return to normal.