On our own instance no less lmao

Inb4 YoU CaN jUsT bLOcK uSsSSs

  • @[email protected]
    -32 months ago

    Fallacy fallacy: only because it contains a fallacy (or a bunch) the argument isn’t necessarily void.

    Still stacking fallacies isn’t usually a sign of a good and or valid argument.

      • @[email protected]
        -62 months ago

        Moving the goalpost fallacy. You wrote in your comment to which I replied that no argument can be made against pointing out that someone’s arguments contains fallacies, which is not true.

        I wasn’t present as you got hurt arguing on the Internet so I couldn’t anticipate that you were up against someone who’s “entire identity was based on logical fallacies” (ad hominem).

          • @[email protected]
            -72 months ago

            Would you be so kind as to point out the straw man in that?

            And no I don’t think you are necessarily wrong, I think you apply your standards selectively.