It takes light approximately 8,404494e11 bananas to travel from the surface of the sun to the earth (that’s like 840449400000 = eight hundred forty billion four hundred forty nine million four hundred thousand bananas (English is not my first language, not sure if the numerals are supposed to be plural))
Bananas come from the sun, it’s simple.
Is light just really small bananas bouncing off of everything?
Well that is a very simplified view of nature, in reality they do not always bounce and banana is just a catch all term for any elongated fruit.
TIL a cucumber is a banana.
And if you shine a beam of light through some slits, the banans split.
It’s also a smoothie.
Only if I take your word for it though right? If I check myself…
sounds right
Why do you think we measure things by light years?
Only distance, we measure things in bananas
A banana is about 0.6 light-nanoseconds long.
It takes light approximately 8,404494e11 bananas to travel from the surface of the sun to the earth (that’s like 840449400000 = eight hundred forty billion four hundred forty nine million four hundred thousand bananas (English is not my first language, not sure if the numerals are supposed to be plural))
Yes, that is why the banana phone was such a revolutionary invention.
i mean photons don’t really have a shape so… it can be if you want it to be
Only if it’s yellow light.
They are constructed by the sun and made up of it’s dead breathren
That’s why they’re yellow.