• @[email protected]
    1392 months ago

    If Musk is ready to lie about his gaming achievements then can we really trust anything that comes out from his mouth.

    I mean who cares if Musk is bad at POE2 but the fact that he goes to such lengths to lie about how good he is in a videogame tells a lot about his character and personality.

    • themadcodger
      422 months ago

      He’s a narcissist. Of course he’s the best at this and everything else he does. Any evidence to the contrary is division by zero.

      • @[email protected]
        -232 months ago

        narcissism is a lack of empathy and conpassion. it is not thinking you are better than others.

        An example of how a narcissist would think would be “I barely know anything about this subject and you know even less than I do so you must be a fucking idiot if you know less than my dumb ass”

        • misterdoctor
          242 months ago

          Lack of empathy is a sign of narcissism sure, but so is a pathological need for praise and to feel superior to others.

          • WideEyedStupid
            102 months ago

            Yes and that need stems from deep insecurity. Narcissists are insecure, but don’t show it. Their whole superiority act is just that, an act. Very convincing, because it’s what they -want- to be, and when people praise them it’s like a confirmation. They’re addicted to it. That’s why they lash out at anyone who sees through it. When you praise them, they’ll treat you like the best friend/lover they’ve ever had, but once you take away the praise… well they become a nightmare.

            See it like this: nobody who is actually self-confident needs to get a constant stream of praise to be happy.

          • @[email protected]
            -102 months ago

            Praise yes but not the feeling of superiority to others as NPD comes from self-loathing.

              • @[email protected]
                102 months ago

                Because it’s not true. Narcissistic personality disorder may included self loathing but it is not a requirement.

                This pattern is shown by the presence of ≥ 5 of the following:

                An exaggerated, unfounded sense of their own importance and talents (grandiosity) Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited achievements, influence, power, intelligence, beauty, or perfect love Belief that they are special and unique and should associate only with people of the highest caliber A need to be unconditionally admired A sense of entitlement Exploitation of others to achieve their own goals A lack of empathy Envy of others and a belief that others envy them Arrogance and haughtiness


                Musk only needs 5. One could easily argue he has all of them.

                • WideEyedStupid
                  2 months ago

                  That’s funny. I’ve only ever known 2 of them personally and they have all of it. The whole damn package. Yeah, that wasn’t fun.

                  Data show that, unlike normative, healthy self-esteem, which is associated with positive outcomes (5–7), narcissistic self-esteem is fragile, because it is highly contingent on achievement-related successes and feedback from the social environment (13–15). Narcissistic self-esteem is thus conceptualized as precariously elevated. When an individual with NPD is faced with an ego threat (e.g., real or imagined criticism, failure, or reduced social regard), unrealistically high self-expectations crumple into perceived inferiority (16, 17). Individuals with NPD are, therefore, hypersensitive to ego threats, and when threatened, they respond with efforts to reduce concomitant distress and upregulate self-esteem (17–19). These regulation strategies include some of NPD’s most recognizable and maladaptive behaviors. Classic “grandiose” responses include being aggressive or devaluing toward others (20, 21), fixating on grandiose fantasies (22), or engaging in self-serving bias (23). Classic “vulnerable” responses include alienating and isolating themselves (24) by avoiding situations that may threaten self-esteem (25), relentlessly criticizing themselves (26–28), or engaging in suicidal behaviors and fantasies (29, 30). This vacillation between overly inflated and deflated self-appraisals, alongside efforts to regulate this unstable sense of self through grandiosity, flawlessness, and/or avoidance, are described in both early psychoanalytic theories of narcissism (31), the contemporary Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders (8), and the personality disorder section of the ICD-11 (32–34). It is important to note that research is continually adding nuance to scientific perspectives on self-esteem in NPD (35). Various frameworks differently emphasize shifts between distinct states of grandiosity (i.e., elevated self-esteem, arrogance, and entitlement) and vulnerability (i.e., shame, insecurity, and neuroticism). Scholars are working to clarify whether and how grandiosity may function to conceal ever-present vulnerability and whether fragile self-esteem is a driving force or an outcome of this process (17, 18, 26, 36).


                  So. I guess it’s not actually clear yet which one of us is right (whether it’s ever-present or not).

                  All I can say is that in my (limited) experience they have extreme reactions to any sort of criticism, they take almost everything personal, and this just doesn’t happen with people who are actually really self-confident. I know plenty of confident people and they can handle criticism just fine without throwing huge fucking temper tantrums. It came to a point where I was walking on eggshells trying to never say anything that could be interpreted as criticism, because their fragile ego couldn’t handle it and they’d turn it around on me. Like… trying to make themselves feel better by putting me down. Anyway, I’ll stop dragging my personal issues in here, and just say: perhaps some day we’ll have a definitive answer.

                  Edit: typo.

    • @[email protected]
      272 months ago

      I’m honestly shocked that you have to ask someone if you can trust him.

      He is without a doubt the least trustworthy person on the entire planet. Even less so than Putin i would say.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        Musk has his loyal fanbase who have been impressed by his achievements with Paypal, Tesla and SpaceX.
        Honestly he seemed all right before 2020’s but after that he’s slowly become more and more radicalized.

        Fortunately his behaviour is alienating a lot of his fanbase, unfortunately they’re getting replaced by more far right fans.

    • @[email protected]
      82 months ago

      He made a post using command line lingo too, but anyone with even basic knowledge of those commands can tell you that both the syntax and the way he alludes to them are wrong.

      It’s the equivalent of slinging a guitar in a picture to look cool but pressing the side with the strings against your belly.


    • @[email protected]
      62 months ago

      The guy can’t miss an opportunity to demonstrate his character and personality. This seems both extraneous and consistent - it’s more of the same data. I think we’ve got his number.

    • Queen HawlSera
      12 months ago

      I bet if Musk played DBD he’d be the first one on the damn hook, every, fucking, time.