And what’s your routine like?

I’m the kind of worker who prioritizes life over work. So that means I care about having light schedules if I know when it’s suitable and if my expenses can still be met which currently, I’m in the hole on that. If I can get away with using as much PPTO/PTO/Sick days as possible, I’ll do it. If I can afford to take points while balancing my expenses, I’ll do that too and have done that.

I typically work nights and I like working nights in nearly all of the jobs I’ve been in when available. I can’t stand morning and day shifts because it takes me a little longer to get warmed up during the morning and day. I actually used to have burned through mornings by sleeping through them.

But on my off days I do try to make up for some sleep at nights.

  • @[email protected]
    102 months ago

    I work hard at whatever I’m doing, deriving satisfaction from a job well done. That attitude has driven me forward at almost every job. If it doesn’t, or management is abusive, I’m out. Hell, if management annoys me enough I’m out. In any case, management has never ignored me. That mobility drove my pay to triple over 6 years.

    Out of IT for the moment, not sure I want back in, but I have to get back to work if I’m to overcome the depression of sitting around for months on end. So I’m taking a shit, part-time job at a hardware store. Kinda was looking to retire into that sort of thing to keep me busy and fit, little early for that.

    Know what? I’ll still work hard. Even if the pay sucks, hard work gets you bonuses. Management respects you, gives you better jobs and schedules, cuts you slack when you fuck up. For example; In two customer service jobs I quickly got sick of taking calls, basically moved myself up to training incoming classes, 6-months or less each time. Love training!

    I call it “The Hawkeye Pierce Theory of Work”. Be too damned good to get fired, coworkers and “officers” respect you, and you can get away with murder.