Censorship is bad when China does it. Censorship is bad when America does it.
Same for Germany, Australia, Japan, North and South Korea.
Governments don’t censor speech because they protect their citizens, they censor speech because it protects their monopoly on violence and help propagate their visions to an unquestioning audience.
Yanks can’t complain about China blocking shit if their own government is doing the same. It’s like 2 brothers arguing about who annoyed who first. Shame Gaia can’t just tell them both to be nice to each other.
100% about the hypocrisy. Agree to disagree on citizen responsibility levels as it may differ in our respective countries. Freedom of assembly is something I hold dear to my heart.
It’s ok because USA is doing it too. Every state, every politician is basically the same. It’s all about violent control of the planet. These apps are just the tip of the iceberg.
Meanwhile China says no American internet sites in their country and I guess that’s ok for some reason.
who said it was ok?
Censorship is bad when China does it. Censorship is bad when America does it.
Same for Germany, Australia, Japan, North and South Korea.
Governments don’t censor speech because they protect their citizens, they censor speech because it protects their monopoly on violence and help propagate their visions to an unquestioning audience.
It’s not ok that the CCP block foreign apps either. Now that the yanks are blocking Chinese apps they can’t complain about the CCP blocking theirs.
What if we complain about both
That’s what I’m doing
But yanks aren’t allowed to?
Yanks can’t complain about China blocking shit if their own government is doing the same. It’s like 2 brothers arguing about who annoyed who first. Shame Gaia can’t just tell them both to be nice to each other.
P.s. I’m not pretending my government is perfect. Ffs we used to censor our immigrants by skin colour and place of birth.
There’s no hypocrisy if they’re complaining about both. People aren’t that responsible for the stupid things their government does.
100% about the hypocrisy. Agree to disagree on citizen responsibility levels as it may differ in our respective countries. Freedom of assembly is something I hold dear to my heart.
You dense as lead.
No one is saying that. Two governments can be wrong simultaneously.
It’s ok because USA is doing it too. Every state, every politician is basically the same. It’s all about violent control of the planet. These apps are just the tip of the iceberg.