Trust me, I’ve played GTA Online since the day it launched (or the week afterwards rather since the servers were really shit at launch), they only ever did anything about cheaters if they cheated money.
I remember all the early money exploits and car duplication glitches, those were usually hotfixed in a day while other (game-breaking) bugs existed for years…
Another reason why I’m not holding out for GTA VI… Rockstar has changed a lot since GTA V, and not in a good way.
No no, they have changed a lot since GTA IV, and not in a good way.
No no, they have changed a lot since GTA III, and not in a good way.
Honestly, GTA 2 is where it all went wrong. They need to get back to their roots.
GTA 2 best version after GTA London
Right you are!
I hope they do something about cheaters. Playing GTA5 online missions is way more fun when they dont just teleport and kill you while on a mission.
Trust me, I’ve played GTA Online since the day it launched (or the week afterwards rather since the servers were really shit at launch), they only ever did anything about cheaters if they cheated money.
I remember all the early money exploits and car duplication glitches, those were usually hotfixed in a day while other (game-breaking) bugs existed for years…
I’ve played through every single GTA game and still think that Vice City is the best, with San Andreas as a very close second.
the only reason i know about and care about gta 5 is because of sips so basically what im saying is sips should be ceo of rockstar