I’m embarrassed it took me so long to realize this. Somebody explained that to me recently, within the context of a conversation about layoffs. That CEO had no prior CEO experience, was only there for less than a year, and was part of the board of directors. In hindsight it seems so obvious.
Tacit racism. She is a US citizen of Chinese background. Why have her face on the flag of the Empire of Japan if the subliminal message wasn’t yellow peril?
They called it an Axe Man, in my time. I’ve been at two companies hit with them, and I follow them AND the CEO who stepped down (once a reverted permanent one and the other a long-term leave) to see which companies are fucked next.
So replacing a woman with a woman, and then bringing back the original woman is what made you think the fall person had to be a woman? Reddit may have done so… but I find it hard to believe this was sex/gender related. Otherwise it would have made more sense to replace the woman with a man, have him take the fall and go back to Whitney so it made her / the company look better long term.
How does recognizing systemic sexism, AKA issues within our society that unfairly treat either men or women, make me sexist? The “glass cliff” is a well known phenomenon, we’re not just making this up out of nowhere.
I guess if you choose to remain ignorant of such issues, people pointing them out may appear sexist to you. I’m sorry that your world view is so limited by your own self imposed blinders, but please don’t shoot the messenger. Wikipedia is just a few clicks away.
Exactly this, they are usually young too and they know their only job is to fire ppl and/or do decisions that will make most if not all unhappy. I have only seen it once my self but a lot of friends went through that at their company.
sometimes you bring on a ceo just to get some controversial thing done. they can eat the blame and then leave
I’m embarrassed it took me so long to realize this. Somebody explained that to me recently, within the context of a conversation about layoffs. That CEO had no prior CEO experience, was only there for less than a year, and was part of the board of directors. In hindsight it seems so obvious.
The ol’ Ellen Pao
Ellen Pao was a shit executive and a failure. Has nothing to do with the imaginary “LeTs bRinG iN a wHOmAn tO tAkE dA faLL!!!”
Tacit racism. She is a US citizen of Chinese background. Why have her face on the flag of the Empire of Japan if the subliminal message wasn’t yellow peril?
But that was the idea
Good point, although I agree with the sentiment of online communities becoming hugboxes with no room for actual dissent.
And it should be noted, it was shit like “you can’t have a subreddit entirely devoted to encouraging groups you dislike to kill themselves”
They called it an Axe Man, in my time. I’ve been at two companies hit with them, and I follow them AND the CEO who stepped down (once a reverted permanent one and the other a long-term leave) to see which companies are fucked next.
More specifically here it’s called a glass cliff
So like a corporate sin eater?
You bring in a female CEO to take the fall. The narrative gets to be about her weak leadership.
Ellen Pao wasn’t even CEO for a full year. Reddit clearly put her in charge to take the heat - which they knew would be ample based on her sex alone.
So replacing a woman with a woman, and then bringing back the original woman is what made you think the fall person had to be a woman? Reddit may have done so… but I find it hard to believe this was sex/gender related. Otherwise it would have made more sense to replace the woman with a man, have him take the fall and go back to Whitney so it made her / the company look better long term.
This is moronic and sexist.
History is full of males that were suckered into taking the fall.
Saying that women alone are incompetent to the point of always being suckered into a CEO position to be the fall gal is peak misogynism.
Think things through a little before posting.
What is “the glass cliff”, Alex.
Sorry that stating the existence of this systemic sexism is apparently sexist. Guess I’m sexist?
Yes, you are sexist….against women for sure (your comment proves that) and probably men, also.
How does recognizing systemic sexism, AKA issues within our society that unfairly treat either men or women, make me sexist? The “glass cliff” is a well known phenomenon, we’re not just making this up out of nowhere.
I guess if you choose to remain ignorant of such issues, people pointing them out may appear sexist to you. I’m sorry that your world view is so limited by your own self imposed blinders, but please don’t shoot the messenger. Wikipedia is just a few clicks away.
Exactly this, they are usually young too and they know their only job is to fire ppl and/or do decisions that will make most if not all unhappy. I have only seen it once my self but a lot of friends went through that at their company.
the sad part is the act they put on coming in. many at the company will think this is a real hire that will bring about good cultural change
It’s what boeing does everytime a plane goes down.
That must be quite a list of ceo’s
Not a word, my dude.
Insofar as everyone likes the wherewithal offered by pronominal and hitherto conjunctive adverbs
I dunno what you said but it sounds like you’re gonna get an upvote anyway 🙃
you’re wrong, corsicanguppy
Don’t worry though, they’ll fail towards.