What about POWER9? You can buy a complete workstation right now, with an open source CPU, Board, BIOS. It’ll cost you an arm, a leg, and probably some more internal organs, but it is currently more functional than RISC-V.
I mean, you probably heard of PowerPC. IBM kept working on that, is still working on it. They’re at Power10 now, but that has some proprietary blobs, as opposed to POWER9.
I’d say that it’s mainly cool because it’s an architecture with enough performance for modern stuff, that is completely open source. No proprietary BIOS, no Management Engine running unknown code. Also, pretty stable, supposedly.
Only supported by Linux, some BSDs, and some proprietary IBM *nixes, if you wanna say you have a system that literally can’t run Windows.
If you want fun facts, the currently 9th most powerful supercomputer, Summit, runs on it, I guess.
The hardware is too expensive for pretty much anyone to actually wanna use it, but oh well, what do you do.
I think I joke too often about ruling benevolently over the world’s robots someday after everyone lays off their Cybersecurity staff.
But if we continue this trend, this community may have the only clean secure laptops after everyone else sells out and fills their shit with backdoors.
Maybe we can rule together as a benevolent collective…
On one hand “noooo!” But on the other this would be great for ARM and RISC-v if Intel tanks.
Screw ARM honestly, they don’t need any help. RISC-V though as the only open source of any significance, absolutely!
What about POWER9? You can buy a complete workstation right now, with an open source CPU, Board, BIOS. It’ll cost you an arm, a leg, and probably some more internal organs, but it is currently more functional than RISC-V.
Never heard of it, wanna pitch its benefits?
I mean, you probably heard of PowerPC. IBM kept working on that, is still working on it. They’re at Power10 now, but that has some proprietary blobs, as opposed to POWER9.
I’d say that it’s mainly cool because it’s an architecture with enough performance for modern stuff, that is completely open source. No proprietary BIOS, no Management Engine running unknown code. Also, pretty stable, supposedly.
Only supported by Linux, some BSDs, and some proprietary IBM *nixes, if you wanna say you have a system that literally can’t run Windows.
If you want fun facts, the currently 9th most powerful supercomputer, Summit, runs on it, I guess.
The hardware is too expensive for pretty much anyone to actually wanna use it, but oh well, what do you do.
You can get yourself a workstation for about $10k here. https://www.raptorcs.com/content/TL2WK2/intro.html
Hooray for Risc-v, anyway.
I think I joke too often about ruling benevolently over the world’s robots someday after everyone lays off their Cybersecurity staff.
But if we continue this trend, this community may have the only clean secure laptops after everyone else sells out and fills their shit with backdoors.
Maybe we can rule together as a benevolent collective…
Man, wouldn’t that be something.