I always wanted to ask but haven’t been able to until now…
When you’re building the strawman, do you do it while the straw is still wet and then wait for it to dry or do you wait for the straw to cure first and then build it?
I’d imagine fungus would be a key reason in the choice but I’m still unsure about the process and figured I’d ask an expert…
Fun fact about straw, you have to keep the bales dry, because if they get wet they start to decompose, which generates heat, and since straw traps air, it’s insulating, meaning it can get hot enough to catch fire!
You’re right, the us govt captures all internet traffic, all calls, all texts, and has complete subpoena power for all companies that interact with anything in the us; while deploying drones, planes, and satellites that watch us citizens; while encouraging citizens to sell each other out to the government.
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Oh hey look, a strawman!
While there is a logical fallacy here I don’t think it’s a straw man.
It’s some form of two wrongs make a right.
Nobody made the argument they were responding to, they made it themselves and then posted a picture “owning” it
That’s strawmanning
I always wanted to ask but haven’t been able to until now…
When you’re building the strawman, do you do it while the straw is still wet and then wait for it to dry or do you wait for the straw to cure first and then build it?
I’d imagine fungus would be a key reason in the choice but I’m still unsure about the process and figured I’d ask an expert…
Thanks in advance!
Fun fact about straw, you have to keep the bales dry, because if they get wet they start to decompose, which generates heat, and since straw traps air, it’s insulating, meaning it can get hot enough to catch fire!
After looking up a few tutorials for making a scarecrow, it looks like using dried filling is best.
Comparing the spying that both of these countries do on innocent citizens, as if they are anything alike, is demented.
It’s not apples to apples. It’s comparing an orange to the sun.
You’re right, the us govt captures all internet traffic, all calls, all texts, and has complete subpoena power for all companies that interact with anything in the us; while deploying drones, planes, and satellites that watch us citizens; while encouraging citizens to sell each other out to the government.
It’s not comparable.