Am I projecting? What do you think, fellow lemmings?

  • TacoButtPlug
    292 months ago

    My coworker said to me today that all the news outside of the US is calling us Nazi America and this goes hand in hand with my own international news reading experience in the last day. I think everyone is acknowledging how dumb we look and how it affects them?

    • The Menemen
      2 months ago

      As someone from “outside the US”: It isn’t much better elsewhere. Italy has a fascist government, France is fucking up everything, Sweden has a governemnt depending on a borderline fascist party, the Netherlands has borderline fascists as part of the government, in Germany open fascists poll at 20% as the 2nd most popular party (elections are next month), Georgia is on the brink of civil war, Korea is in a utterly weird crisis/coup mode, in the middle east we are having a genocide happening, Sudan is in chaos, and so on and on.

      On the bright side: Things appear to be somewhat okay in Spain and Belgium seems to have a somewhat half-working government.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Belgian here, we have a working Flemish and Wallon regional governement, as well as for the Flemish (is same as régional) and French and German speaking communities’ governements, but the Brussels region and federal aren’t getting anywhere. It’s only been 227 days tho… ETA: radical right was almost largest party in Flanders, and the ´libéral’ party in Wallonia won with a radical right agenda

        • The Menemen
          2 months ago

          Ah okay, I thought this Caretaker government turned into a somehat working stopgap. Okay, so, everyone, ignore my comment on Belgium. :)

    • @[email protected]
      182 months ago

      Sounds about right. My wife has friends abroad that have been calling and asking if everything is alright, then start the questions of how we let this happen, why don’t we do anything about it, etc. And I’ll be honest, I do feel pretty helpless at the moment and very uneasy about the next period of time. I’ve been reading quite a bit about WWII and how Germany got into their situation, and almost too much if it parallels. Most of the population was sick of the status quo and wanted change, those who spoke up and tried pointing certain things out were labeled as worrying lunatics, and most of society was too ignorant to care until it was too late. I mean, what the hell is an individual to do? I could grab my rifle and take to the streets, and immediately get gunned down by cops, or start writing letters that will pretty just get me added to a list at this point.