
Facebook is banning posts that mention various Linux-related topics, sites, or groups. Some users may also see their accounts locked or limited when posting Linux topics. Major open-source operating system news, reviews, and discussion site DistroWatch is at the center of the controversy, as it seems to be the first to have noticed that Facebook’s Community Standards had blackballed it.


DistroWatch says that the Facebook ban took effect on January 19. Readers have reported difficulty posting links to the site on this social media platform. Moreover, some have told DistroWatch that their Facebook accounts have been locked or limited after sharing posts mentioning Linux topics.

If you’re wondering if there might be something specific to, something on the site that the owners/operators perhaps don’t even know about, for example, then it seems pretty safe to rule out such a possibility. Reports show that “multiple groups associated with Linux and Linux discussions have either been shut down or had many of their posts removed.” However, we tested a few other Facebook posts with mentions of Linux, and they didn’t get blocked immediately.


Addition to include the DistroWatch link:

  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    Beginner tutorials exist. Have you even tried looking? Linux has better documentation than anything I’ve seen in any other OS. Man pages, help files, and commented configuration files galore in just about every single Linux distro without any Internet needed, but it sounds like you never even bothered to look for them.

    Sure, assholes online exist in Linux communities, but they are EVERYWHERE. We’ve got a couple right right here. That doesn’t exactly distinguish FOSS communities from any other.

    Generalizations about all of FOSS based on your limited experience with a few distros is just asinine. FOSS is way more than an operating system.

    Expecting a machine to hold your hand through your learning is such a weird form of entitlement and an especially weird distinction to make since no other operating system does that to the level you expect either.

    Corporations pay for support services. The code is free (as in speech). No one ever claimed that the support was also (or even should be) free. Microsoft support is a joke. Apple support is mostly just a sales scheme. Linux support forums might be hostile to entitled noobs looking for a handout and a quick fix, but they are fucking heros when given a chance to help those who put in the effort to help themselves.

    • Lime Buzz (fae/she)
      2 months ago

      Man pages are not good for beginners. Help pages, I am not sure if they exist within the OS for such things I mentioned such as the terminal or not.

      I was being specific so as to avoid it blowing up into multiple things, but yes there being no tutorials built in is common to many FOSS things I have come across.

      I disagree wholeheartedly with your assertion that people should not be handheld through the learning process or that it’s entitlement to expect or even want it, if we want people to learn and get better at things then such things are useful and needed but they have to start somewhere and having a machine ‘hold their hand’ is better than them getting frustrated imo.

      So what if no other OS does it to the degree I think it should? FOSS could prove itself to be better by doing what other OSs don’t, but you seem to be suggesting it shouldn’t and that is something I genuinely don’t understand. If we want people to use it as I often see FOSS obsessives tell people yet do absolutely nothing to support them in doing so, just call their closed source software shit, tell them to move to open source and then are like “lol, byeeeee” if they do and then have no idea how to use it, especially if they do so just to not be berated by them again.

      I disagree that people earnestly looking for help should be called ‘entitled noobs’ and even if they are, so what?

      I’d rather help them so they can move on to learning on their own. This is exactly the attitude and viewpoint I was addressing, foss people cannot see how it benefits us all to help even those that just want a ‘quick fix’ to their problems as it is more than possible in a few years time those people might be even more helpful as they remember how they were treated in the face of their confusion about it.

      I don’t agree only that those people put in the effort themselves should be helped, even if it’s indirectly, writing a beginner level tutorial and then linking it is more useful and nets more use to foss than just saying “no figure it out yourself” in the long term and I genuinely do not understand why people think that ‘handouts’ are bad if they get a good result in the future or at least get the person to stop asking.

      I’ve actually written many tutorials for things and plan on writing more in the future, I’ve helped many people with software both closed and open source, so yeah, I have some experience there and completely understand people’s frustration with the general foss community when they cannot get help. I’ve been that person many times too and so decided to do something about it, I genuinely hope others do too so that we can all grow together whether people start from ‘entitled’ roots or not.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      Man pages, help files, and commented configuration files galore

      Technical documentation != Tutorials. Not even remotely.

      Linux support forums might be hostile to entitled noobs looking for a handout and a quick fix

      “Oh so you use Linux? Name every distro (to prove you ‘put in the effort’ to my standards)”

      Sarcasm aside, Lime Buzz is completely correct; FOSS as an ecosystem has cultivated an air of ahem techno-elitism, and that severely undermines its actual usefulness as a tool of individual freedom or certainly resistance. If a tool requires a bunch of X (time, money, base knowledge, etc) in order to utilize, it’s not going to be useful to people who do not have that resource to spend on it. Which is going to be the majority of any given group. And that has really made it as an ecosystem much less important than many other concerns. Individual projects can still be important, but Linux is certainly not going to save us from Authoritarianism.

      Corporations pay for support services. The code is free (as in speech). No one ever claimed that the support was also (or even should be) free.

      Corporations may unfortunately be people, but people are certainly not corporations, and shouldn’t be expected to pay for everything corporations do.

      If you believe that Linux actually helps people- that it materially improves their lives over being trapped in a predatory tech world built by for-profit entities who are happy to sell their customers out to a fascist government- then you are conceptualizing the relationship between Linux evangelists and new users incorrectly. We’re not providing sales and tech support in that case, we’re providing them aid. And aid workers don’t ask people to show how much they’ve tried to help themselves before offering them help.

      And if you don’t think Linux actually aids peoples’ lives, then you just agree with Lime Buzz that

      There are far more important things to worry about and to do.

      • Lime Buzz (fae/she)
        32 months ago

        Thanks for explaining what I was getting at better than I am able to currently, genuinely.

    • Hedgeknife
      2 months ago

      Linux community has been better at being helpful, though, as the years passed.

      Expecting a machine to hold your hand through your learning

      Linux support forums might be hostile to entitled noobs looking for a handout and a quick fix

      …but still freakin’ insufferable.

      Lime Buzz has a point here.